Monday 14 May 2007


Two down!!!! And one was the worst, Cell and Metabolism. What was freaky was that the exam actually went pretty ok. A really, really, bad sign for me. Whenever I think I have failed something, when I feel that every word I wrote on the paper was a mistake, and that my standard was way below the others, I inevitably come out just fine. But when I think "hmm..that was pretty ok, in fact I aced that!" I almost certainly get a D. Which would be fine, I'd be quite happy with a D. I just don't want an E.... Ok I'd better shut up about this before Lis hits me over the head with a shovel and tells me one more time it doesn't matter because I'm leaving.....I know.... ;)

So Espanol tomorrow evening, and then it'll be three down!! Woot!

I'm just so relieved, no more guilt about being a slacker!

Better get down to the 'ol physiology of digestion then.....haha....

(pic is of "happy face" crater on Mars, cute huh?)

1 comment:

Tayaki said...

i ate my weight in fig rolls today. oink.