Friday 18 May 2007

Made me LOL

Ok, so I should be sensitive about the patients in the practice and the things I read. And I am usually. But today I read something that made me laugh out loud.

When I open a patients file to scan stuff in, I see the last transaction that was made, and sometimes these are consultations. I can't help but cast my eye over them.

Today, the locum had put in for someone:

"Lactose intolerant. In a moment of stupidity drank 4x bottles of flavoured milk."

I'm sorry, but I thought it was pretty funny. I mean, everyone has their weaknesses, but 4(!!) bottles? As expected, severe diarrhoea was the result, and there was little the dr could do about it.

Kinda made my morning anyway.

Today I got trained in on The Desk.. So now I answer the phone, sign in appointments, and take payment! I'm kinda doddery and slow at it at the mo, but hopefully I'll improve (god help me if I have to give change...)! It was a fairly slow day, unusual for a Friday, but it meant that we all got to have a good natter. They make me laugh so much...

On a grr point though, the stupid bus didn't turn up when I'd made the effort of getting up early. Next time I'll sleep in.

(Please note that I treat all the files I handle with the utmost respect for confidentiality and dignity of the patients. Today was just kinda special....)


Ms-Ellisa said...

hee hee hee :-)
4 bottles?!?!
Man....... :-)

XE said...

Oh my. People are funny.

The Angry Medic said...

Hey, what happened with the comments for your post above this? I wanted to rant about Zimbabwe and that joke Mugabe too, as well as the Chinese govt (CHILDREN in mines? CHILDREN?! That's ancient British history!) but couldn't.

Still, that means I had to come down to this post to comment, and this one made me laugh. Thanks for prolonging my sanity that much longer :)

Lala said...

There were comments on the Zimbabwe blog? Wha? How come blogger didn't tell ME?

Lala said...

Oh, ok, so I must have accidentally disabled comments. Oops. feel free to go at it now!