Sunday 6 May 2007

Last Night

She said........ Only joking!

I dreamt it was my first day of Med School. And for some reason, they had basically just thrown us into the hospital to go and work. Strange. And, worst of all, I had forgotten to get dressed and was wearing my pyjamas, which wouldn't be so bad (lets face it, scrubs/pyjamas same thing), except that the t-shirt had a massive hole in the chest.....Nice. Anyway, I was able to just about cover it up with my snazzy white coat (which I noticed was my lab coat from vet).

My first proper patient was a 6 year old girl, whose complaint was that her leg had gone dead two days in a row after she had been crossing her legs. Now why a 6yr old would be crossing her legs or not know what pins and needles were, i don't know! Anyway, I seemed to do lots of doctory things like check her reflexes and take a history. And then I discharged her.

Then it all got weirder. For some reason half of my year from vet appeared, and them and my "new" year, were mixed together. And some guy was talking to us the same way on my first day of vet ("You all did very well to get here. Look around the room, these people will be your classmates for the next five years, and then your colleagues, blah blah blah) And I was thinking , "what????? Did all these people drop out of vet and into med???" And then I realised I couldn't find my stethoscope, and someone said it had been taken away because it tested positive for Hep. A&B. Most bizzarre. Its all a bit random after that...

The sunshine is gone :( And I should be studying.......bleugh.

This week I got a letter and an email from the Mexicans, which made me very happy. Man alive I want to go back....... Ma wants us to take a mother daughter holiday... Prob is, I know we'll just fight..... And I really don't want to end up half way across the world and not talking to each other.

12 o'clock. Guess I'd better get dressed.


Tayaki said...

my mom diagnosed me...ear infection. which i think she's right. i've been dizzy now and then and i keep having that "ear popping/ear full/ear pressure" feeling. i'm kinda dizzy right now as i'm typing to you...kinda trippy. neways, that means i have to go to student health services on tuesday (the non-bank holiday day) and get meds. ugh. hate student health services.

oh! and the new grey's is SO unrealistic...
like, the walk above the beach in santa homeless people seen AT ALL (and they're EVERYWHERE on that walk). also, the chihuahua Dr. Sam was walking was LAME. bad animal handler on grey's, bad.

Sara said...

Heh med school - especially in the years that suck your life out - tends to invade dreams in weird ways. I dreamed my big medical textbooks were eating all the novels I loved on my bookshelf once.