Thursday 31 January 2008

Dairy ain't the answer...

This week we've been looking at osteoporosis. And its made out that stuffing oneself with dairy products is a sure-fire way to prevent it.

So how come in Japan (where traditional diet excludes dairy) there is a lower incidence of osteoporosis in the West? Genetic? Not if you consider the fact that with Westernisation of diet the difference becomes smaller. Interesting no?

Ok, so having given up dairy I am biased, but still does nobody else think that adult humans shouldn't consume food intended for calves?


Tayaki said...

dairy is delicious. even after weeks of getting shat on by cows, it's still delicious.

also, both my mother and grandmother are japanese, and my grandmother has full blown osteoperosis (broke her back three times, now in a wheelchair), and my mom is hovering the line.

i think the post WWII japanese babies (baby boomers) have a greater incidence of osteoperosis, but of course, i don't have any data to back this up.

just what my momma told me! ;)

Anonymous said...

i like ice cream far too much

Unknown said...

Yet its only a correlation and could be due to some other factor, an inherent difference in japanese genetics? Maybe they do more weight bearing exercise?! (not sure on that one!)

On a moral note, I do agree with you & I have tried going vegan twice, both times I lasted for 3 days.. its not meant to be (yet)

XE said...

I'm vegetarian -- can't do the vegan thing, I've tried. I last 2 days max, and then I cave. Good for you for giving up dairy though!