Thursday 24 January 2008

One down....

SSS is over. Went fine, except that NONE of my videos would play. Not one. So, that kinda sucked. Oh well.....

OSCE's tomorrow, and I still have 4 patients to write up.....blargh. Still, it should be ok. Our stations are:

1. Urinalysis and handwashing
2. Mini-consultation
3. CPR
4. Patient write ups (probably the only remotely hard one)
5. TPR
6. Blood pressure.

As long as I get my write ups done, and I don't do something spectacularly stupid, there is no reason to fail. I mean, handwashing.......c'mon...


Anonymous said...

What's TPR?

Lala said...

Temperature, Pulse, and respiration rate. ;)