Thursday 24 January 2008

I am so tired.

I'm sure I'm not as bad as people who actually have real jobs but hey, a girl needs a moan every now and then.

I shouldn't have left it all to the last minute. And yet I always do. I don't know whether I should give up on vowing never to do it again, because it never works.

Ugh, I cannot take writing up another case, trawling through the massive pile of books on my desk, fighting with Word. (Why has no one come up with a better word processor? It really is SHITE.)

And when I do go to bed I probably wont be able to sleep. *sigh*

I'm sorry, I know I'm whining. Its late. I need sleep.

Oo, another question for you my dear readers (all 3 of you im sure....). Well, I'm supposed to be going to a ball tomorrow night. End of OSCE's and all that. Now I'm not usually the ball going type. I was coerced into going to my debs (complete DISASTER), and I've avoided them like the plague ever since. But hey I thought, I like it here, everyone says they are going, it might be fun (and they are going to have a chocolate fountain).
And now, all of my good friends here are not going (never got round to getting tickets). And I'm getting anxious. All that social pressure. Having to dress up, worrying about how I look, who I'm going to talk to, how can I dance in a ballgown, having to eat in front of near strangers (personal neurosis, don't ask), and the fact that I am exhausted and just really really want to sleep....and sleep and sleep.......

Should I sell my ticket? Or should I swallow my fears and brave it?

What do I do what do I do????


I need answers, and fast.

Thank you.


XE said...

So, SOOO not worth it. Sell the ticket. Not worth the stress, and you'll be too zonked to enjoy yourself properly anyway.

I feel your pain about the stuff to do... I have a pathology test tomorrow and I am and I'm so worried, cause I need to do fabulously, and I have two and a half more lectures to get through tonight and it's already getting to be night time. Gah. Anyway, I need to get back to my hematopathology, good luck with your write ups!

Lala said...

Thanks Xavier....'preciate it. I hope you do well tomorrow, Im sure you will you work super-hard (unlike me, the slacker queen).

The only thing stopping me from selling my ticket right now is that a guy I kinda-sorta-maybe-not-really-sure-if-i do like is going.
Good enough reason?

XE said...

Ooooohhhh, good reason to go then!! You didn't mention the boy part!!!! Okay, well, do you have a dress already? And shoes? And plans for hair? Cause if those are all in place, then go get your man!! For sure it's worth going if there is a potential boy involved :)

Lala said...


I have a dress
I have shoes
I can probably manage the hair,somehow

But I'm still not sure.

Said boy will only increase panic and neuroses.......

XE said...

If you think this guy is potential boyfriend material, then it's definitely worth it. It's so hard to actually get to spend time with a crush (or at least it's impossibly difficult for me anyway) so I'd take any chance possible to go and talk to him. And, (AAAAAAAANNNNNNDD) you'll be all dressed up and stuff, so what a great time to talk to him! (Plus, you'll have that added spring in your step from totally rocking your OSCE tomorrow!)

Then again, if you really think it would be too stressful... are any of your friends going at all? OR people you're at least friendly with from school? That would help things...