Tuesday 3 June 2008


A friend of mine did his last OSCE of med school today. Now, he will become a junior doctor, and begin his career.

I find it kind of scary. The thought of thatt eventually being me is daunting.

But, at the same time, I wish I was already there, and not about to go into the 2nd year of 5.

And as usual I'm massively behind on revision.

Still writing up my patient cases, and the OSCE is the day after tomorrow. It's not the last exam though!! Plenty more to go...

Ugh, I hate being at this point, where it's all about to begin. I just want to finish and go home!!!


Dragonfly said...

The thought of being a doctor can be scary. The thought of some of your classmates can be even more scary.

Lala said...

Very true.