Tuesday 12 June 2007


I binged on books today. Spent my €25 token and another €30 on top! Heaven!

I can spend hours in book shops, browsing, picking up ones I'm going to buy, then changing them for something else, looking through my favourite authors, checking out the special offers.....ah. Shopping for books in my mind trumps all other kinds of shopping.

And today, would you believe, they were having a massive sale on old stock. And half of the books were medical textbooks! I got a lovely colour anatomy book for €13, reduced from €50! And a little one on HIV just to fill my interest. (Don't worry I'm not going to go mad on the med books, I know you can just use the ones in the library, thats what I did for vet, didn't buy any of the books they said except for one, I just couldn't resist the special offers today!)

Also got Half of A Yellow Sun by Chimamda Ngozi Adichie, the book I originally went in to get, which has already sucked me in; she really is a fantastic writer!

They didn't have any books by Atul Gawande, I was hoping to get his Complications. Got some others in the 3 for 2 offer, and at that point lunch break was over!

Also wanted to get a new copy of AA Gill is away, which is simultaneously the funniest and most serious travel book I have read. GET THIS BOOK. Gill's writing is pure genius, and this collection is no exception! However, crappy 'ol Easons didn't have it.

I do plan to return tomorrow however, see if I can burn some more cash... Mmm....books...


Elaine said...

I totally love books too... have had to ban myself from buying any new ones for the last wee while because I have so many to read (exams are rubbish, they leave less time to read!). But now I want to read the ones you've suggested too...

Sara said...

Yay! We must be on the same wavelength. My Amazon order came today and I am SO SO SO happy!