Thursday 8 November 2007

Feeling sorry for myself...

The sciatica is back. With a vengeance. Just when I thought it was all safe to be normal again..

Story goes, I come off the dicofenac, the pain comes back! But wait, there's more! I have NEW symptoms! Hooray! Lovely stabbing pain in my calf, and a delightfully painful numbness and tingling in my foot.

So I made a desperate trip to the on-the day Dr, who luckily happened to be the same one as I saw before. I'm back on the diclofenac, and I've got to see her in a week to check my progression and if necessary discuss referral. yay! Although, I have to say, despite my moaning, I am blessed to be able to use the NHS. Free Dr appointments, almost free prescriptions, being able to see a dr on the day, its AMAZING. Ye who complain, come to Ireland.

Right, sorry for the bitch, I needed it.

1 comment:

Calavera said...

Ouch! I hope you feel better soon!