Monday 5 November 2007

All I want for Christmas....

Is this.
Just look at the beauty of that 3d pelvis!!!

And I'm kinda annoyed that my Uni doesn't provide it, because I've used the free trial, and its AMAZING. And other Uni's do (ahem, Peninsula, ahem) Oh well, its only 155eur, looks like I might have to go back to the 'ol job...

On another note, I am very excited about the possibility of seeing Vieux Farka Toure in London.....if I can get a ticket.

Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Dragonfly said...

There is truly nothing more beautiful than a well turned ilium-iscium-pubis.
We had that program, it does cost an awful lot. And despite some of my classmates best efforts, they just couldn't pirate it.