Tuesday 2 December 2008

Housemate rage.

She burnt my hippo and my cat.

The cute little figurines my Mum got me that were sitting on top of the (unlit) stove in the front room. She lit the stove and was too stupid to take them off. So I come home to this dreadful stink like something burning. And I have to go and take them off the still hot stove. She isn't even using the goddamn thing!!!

I am so mad right now. So mad.

Maybe I should burn something of hers and leave it there, without an apology.


1 comment:

Ms-Ellisa said...

That hurts... I cry whenever any of my little animal stuff gets hurt... as if they have feelings... (!)

I cried when I lost my little reindeer because I loved that thing... *I'm 22 and the unfortunate event happened this year*

Did you save them at all?